Time on Target-Abilities Mode is a technological training aid designed for individuals and units who use firearms for work or sport. This practical application challenges the users’ shooting skills by calling out drills (through your phone) and recording speed using an embedded shot timer. Abilities Mode challenges the user to shoot against the par times collected from various elite shooters. Courses of Fire (COF) require the user to shoot 50 rounds over 20 drills while out on a shooting range. There are COFs for pistols, rifles, or both. Drills include moving drills, assault drills, and stationary drills that have the user shoot in many positions. This app can improve the proficiency of the user’s shooting speed and weapons manipulation.Main Features:
- 25 different Courses of Fire - Par time (second beep) that pushes the user’s time on target - Built in shot timer that can be used in the Abilities Mode or by itself- Indoor/ Outdoor shot detection- Sensitivity and random start shot timer options- Records times for each drill- Audio calls out drills much like an instructor on a shooting range